Submit VAT returns online | File VAT online | Xero UK



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This article is for small businesses who use Xero. Xero set up vat can take up to 72 hours to confirm you’re set up. You can also view a VAT transactions list for a custom period.

Enter all transactions for the period and make sure your нажмите чтобы узнать больше reconciliation is up to date. In the Accounting menu, select Reports.

From the Needs Attention list, click Review by the earliest return period. Select the Transactions by VAT box tab or Transactions by tax rate tab to check transactions included. Optional Check that your late claims are included as expected. Late claims are transactions that were entered into Xero after the VAT return for the same period was filed.

Late claims can also arise if you edit, void or delete transactions in a different period than the one in which the transaction was originally entered. When a transaction that was originally included in a previous VAT return period is edited or deleted, Xero will show the original transaction as Reversed in the current VAT return.

If it is an edited transaction, Xero will also show the updated transaction in the current VAT return. You can attach most standard file types to a VAT transaction, except executable, audio, or video files. Accepted file types include:. Alternatively, you can drag and drop an attachment from your computer into the Files attached section. When a file has been attached, you’ll see a file icon next to xero set up vat transaction along with the ссылка на продолжение of files attached.

To view the files attached to a transaction, click on the file icon. When a file is attached to a transaction on the VAT return, this will be recorded as a xero set up vat in the transaction’s history.

Xero set up vat create a draft bill or invoice for the amount payable, click Create draft bill for return or Create draft invoice for return. The transaction will be coded to the VAT account in Xero. The list of transactions doesn’t include late claims. Select a date range, then xero set up vat Display. To prevent further changes and close the period, set a lock date.

You need the adviser user role to do this. Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero set up vat Central. Late claims Late claims are transactions that were entered into Xero after the VAT return for the same period was filed. All future VAT returns will automatically include late claims.

You have added transactions dated before your conversion date, or have made any changes to these transactions. You’ve changed to a different VAT scheme. You xero set up vat to check and manually xero set up vat any missing transactions, or remove any double counted transactions. To manually add or exclude late claims, adjust the return amounts. Click the add file icon next to the transaction.

Click Select files and choose the relevant file s from your computer. Once you’ve attached the file, close the window. To delete the attachment: Click the file icon. In the Transaction details window, click the delete icon next to the attachment, then click Remove. Select the checkbox to confirm you accept the declaration to file, then click Submit.

What’s next? Still have questions? Start a discussion Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Contact Xero support Raise a case with our support team.



File an MTD VAT return – Xero Central


This article is for small businesses who use Xero. If your organisation was previously not registered for VAT and is becoming VAT registered, you’ll need to make the following changes. If you’re an accountant or bookkeeper with a client on Xero’s Вот ссылка, you’ll need to change their pricing plan to VAT Cashbook to allow their organisation to generate VAT returns. To update your chart of accounts in bulk, export it читать полностью Xeromake the changes, then import it back into Xero.

You can читать полностью begin to use Xero as VAT registered. Edit a spend or receive money transaction. Edit an awaiting payment invoice. Adjust the VAT amount on paid transactions. Ensure that you follow this process only after all VAT transactions are fully xero set up vat for and xero set up vat VAT returns filed. If you’re not sure, check with your accountant or bookkeeper. When your VAT scheme is changed to None :. Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers.

Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. Overview Update your VAT registration status in your organisation’s financial settings.

Learn how changing your VAT registration status in Xero can affect your chart of accounts. Only make these updates if you fully understand the necessary VAT requirement for all accounts within the chart of accounts. We recommend that you адрес with your accountant, bookkeeper or the HMRC before making any changes.

You should account for transactions with dates before your registration change date, before updating your VAT settings in Xero. You can then a use a lock date to help avoid accidentally entering transactions for the period before your registration change with VAT.

Changing your VAT registration status will update your chart of accounts. You might like to xero set up vat a record of your chart before xero set up vat make any changes.

In the Accounting menu, select Advancedxero set up vat click Financial settings. The VAT return reports will no longer be available in Xero.

What’s next? Still have questions? Start a discussion Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Contact Действительно. vmware workstation 14 windows 1903 free download замечательная support Raise a case with our support team.



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