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Change the device you use for MFA – Xero Central – What’s next?
Стихосложение хайку основано на простых числах. Три строки по пять, семь и снова пять слогов. Во всех храмах Киото… – Довольно! – сказал Джабба. – Если ключ – простое число, то что с. Варианты бесконечны.
Xero set up authentication – xero set up authentication. Set up multi-factor authentication
On the next page either use security questions or alternative email address. If you still have access to your old device and you are using “Google Authenticator” you can export 10 codes at a time using the app – once you export you need to scan a QR code displayed on your authenhication device on to you new device to complete the move. Share this.
Xero Tip – Setting Up Authenticator on a New Phone – – Growthwise – Google Authenticator Set up
Set up MFA on your new device · Log in to Xero using a web browser. · Click your initials or profile image, then select Account. · Under. Follow the instructions on the screen by downloading the Xero Verify app on your smartphone. Once downloaded, open the Xero Verify app on your. If you don’t have a smartphone you can download the Authy app onto your laptop or PC to enable multi-factor authentication, also known as MFA.
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