Bartender addon 3.3.5 free. Bartender 3.3.5 version

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Bartender addon 3.3.5 free


Easily find the Wotlk Addon you are looking for by Choosing a category, Searching by name or change the expansion using the drop down on the right! If you find a Wotlk Addon that has a broken download link or any other problem, please Contact me! Some addons are linked directly to their authors Git-Hub.

Atlasloot Enhanced. Deadly Boss Mods. Quest Helper. Questhelper tells you how to finish your quests in the easiest, fastest manner. It includes a database of quests, monsters, and items, telling you the exact location of that dang Perfect Satyr Horn you can’t find.

It also computes the fastest path to complete all your quests – and gain experience – as quickly as possible. An addon for herbalists, miners and treasure hunters. It’s main purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits and treasure locations on your minimap.

A full Action Bar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars. Tidy Plates. Tidy Plates enhances World of Warcraft’s nameplates ie. This download comes with two Theme packages Neon and Grey , but many alternatives are available at. XPerl UnitFrames. Much enchanced from Nymbia’s Perl UnitFrames, and a complete replacement for Blizzard’s default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools.

Omen Threat Meter. A multi feature addon developed by game industry veterans to improve and enhance the game playing experience of World of Warcraft.

A compact grid of units lets you select a group member quickly, while retaining a good overview of the whole group. Healbot Continued. A massively supportive addon for healers, as it can do numerous amounts of helpful little tricks. Crap Away. Skada Damage meter. A modular damage meter with various viewing modes.

It is inspired mainly by Assessment, but also by Recount. For more Skada addons vist this. It is highly configurable and you can disable most features of this addon. For more gladius addons go to. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar. Pally Power. Addon Control Panel. It allows you to manage your addons in game, with an interface which looks similar to the blizzard addon manager. Titan Panel. Event Alert. Notify’s you in the middle of your screen with an icon, name of the spell that has procced, the time left on the proc and will make a subtle sound.

Auto Repair. A very simple world map enhacement addon, which was designed to work in conjunction with all other map addons out there. Cooldown Count. Shadowed Unit Frames. A custom actionbar mod. It has a button on the minimap ring that once you left click it, it lets you move the actionbars around with the mouse, and right clicks on bars changes their size, opacity etc, very nice and much better than bartender.

GearScore Lite. Rating buster. The design aim of RatingBuster is to provide detailed, meaningful and customizable information about items so you can easily decide for yourself which item is better. Decursive supports all classes with cleansing abilities and configures itself automatically, it works straight out of the box, no configuration is required.

A comprehensive, lightweight, mega-configurable chat enhancement addon. It supports a whole bunch of stuff. Providing a large array of options to change how loot is presented, as well as allowing you to use Masque or ButtonFacade Skins, XLoot’s job is to make looting more functional while still having a better form.

The latest in a long line of bag replacements for the default game bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame. Sell O Matic. As simple as going near a merchant and opening their trade window, then you can click on the sell button money icon. By default it will sell all gray items and use no sell or save list. Player and target health and mana bars, casting and mirror bars, pet health and mana bars, druid mana bar in forms, extensive target info, ToT display, and much more. Fishing Buddy.

Ackis Recipe. Ackis Recipe list is an addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes. A simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. Wow Instant Messenger. Debuff Filter. Raid Roll. A raid roll lists all players with an ID beside their name. Then it performs a roll and announces who the winner is based on the ID.

Mage Nuggets. Healers Have to Die. Really handy in BG’s or arenas. Shows Zone Info on the World Map in a perfectly cromulent fashion.

This is just a Cartographer ZoneInfo stripped down into its own separate addon. Afflicted 3. An enemy spell timer mod for PvP mainly arenas. This is for people who just want useful information. A tooltip enchancement addon, it allows you to configure various aspects of the tooltip, such as moving where it’s shown, the font, the scale of tips, plus a lot more. The main feature of the addon is the search functionality, which allows users to search their alts’ bags or loot tables in an Auction-House-like frame.

Minimap Button Frame. This little addon will gather up all of your addon minimap buttons and put them into a movable frame. Error Sounds Be Gone! Gets rid of all those annoying pesky GCD Global cooldown error sounds woosh, clicks, bangs, and fizzle. This addon is an in-game representation of Kaliban’s Class Loot Lists. A radial action-binding addon: it lets you group actions into rings which appear when you hold down a keyboard or mouse binding.

An extension to the default WoW Unit Frames. Rather than a complete unitframe replacement, thAddon adds further information and features to the existing frames and allows a greater degree of customization to enhance their usability.

A debuff tracker for Feral Druids. Originally designed to accurately track Mangle’s remaining time regardless of how many Ferals or Arms Warriors were in the raid. DPSMate is not only a meter which shows numbers of the raid, such as damage done, damage taken, dispells etc. Handy Note. What this mod does is increases the amount of quests you can see in your log without scrolling to a maximum of 20 items.

PitBul Unit Frames. This module will show you how much threat you have or anybody else has relative to the second highest person on your targets or any mobs threat list. Addon Loader. An addon that loads other addons automatically, as and when they are needed, which speeds up the logon process.

A small simple and compact addon that prints a message in party chat letting your party know you’ve been CC’d and in what way. All armory information as once seen on the official site from Blizzard Entertainment, in game, for all your characters, on all realms. Diablo Mod.

It was built by modifying Engbags an addon who has essnetially the same functionality is missing some of the features of TBag. Elkanos Buff Bars. Chinchilla Minimap. An addon that will remember your highest hits and crits including heals and pet attacks , and display them in a fairly simple tooltip. Skinner has 2 main sub-directories; AddonSkins and SkinMe.


Bartender addon 3.3.5 free


GearScore is an addon that calculated player and item scores in the tooltip. This version has no database, no GUI, no in-game armory, no addon-communications, and minimal…. Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. This version is for WotLK 3. AtlasLoot Enhanced. Slash Commands…. Deadly Boss Mods. DBM is a boss alert mod that gives warnings and alerts during boss encounters helping with mechanics including raid warnings and timer bars.

HealBot Continued. HealBot can show incoming heals and absord affects. HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, to auto heal, buff, debuff or res. Skada Damage Meter. Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows.

It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU. How to Use: Whe…. GatherMate is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds and displays them on the world map and the mini map.

GatherMate will remember the loca…. Bagnon is a highly customizable bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible. Beyond the basic all-bags-in-one functi…. Grid2 includes a huge amount of available statuses, but not all enabled be default, look through the configuration and familiarize…. OmniCC is an addon that adds text to items, spell and abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they will be ready to use.

In other words: it turns all the standard…. Sort by. Downloads Name. GearScore Categories: Tooltips GearScore is an addon that calculated player and item scores in the tooltip.

Recount Categories: Combat Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Deadly Boss Mods Categories: Boss Encounters DBM is a boss alert mod that gives warnings and alerts during boss encounters helping with mechanics including raid warnings and timer bars. Skada Damage Meter Categories: Boss Encounters, Combat Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows.


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