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The plant, named after Vladimir Lenin , was cooled by an engineered pond, fed by the Pripyat River about 5 kilometers 3 mi northwest from its juncture with the Dnieper.
ChNPP was commissioned in phases with the four reactors entering commercial operation between and In , reactor No. In total, units 1 and 3 had supplied 98 Terawatt hours of electricity each with unit 2 slightly behind at 75 TWh. This was followed by unit 1 in and unit 3 in Their closures were largely attributed to foreign pressures. In , the plants operator announced that Units were fully defueled and in ; entered the decommissioning phase at which equipment contaminated during the operational period of the power station will be removed.
This process is expected to take until according to the plant’s operator. From 24 February to 31 March Russian troops occupied the plant as part of their invasion of Ukraine.
Construction of the station concluded in the late ‘s with reactor No. The completion of the first reactor in was followed by reactor No. Two more blocks, numbered five and six, of more or less the same reactor design, were planned at a site roughly a kilometer from the contiguous buildings of the four older blocks. This is similar to the layout of units 5 and 6 at Kursk and shows the similarity in design between the RBMK sites.
Reactor No. In the aftermath of the disaster, the construction on No. All 12 reactors would be planned to be running in Reactors No. Second-generation RBMK designs were fitted with a more secure containment structure visible in photos of the facility. The power plant is connected to the kV and kV electrical grid. The block has two electrical generators connected to the kV grid by a single generator transformer.
The generators are connected to their common transformer by two switches in series. Between them, the unit transformers are connected to supply power to the power plant’s own systems; each generator can therefore be connected to the unit transformer to power the plant, or to the unit transformer and the generator transformer to also feed power to the grid. The kV line was normally not used, and served as an external power supply, connected to a station’s transformer — meaning to the power plant’s electrical systems.
The plant was powered by its own generators, or at any event got power from the kV national grid through the main grid backup feed in transformer, or from the kV level feed in grid transformer 2, or from the other power plant blocks via two reserve busbars. In case of total external power loss, the essential systems could be powered by diesel generators.
Each unit’s transformer is therefore connected to two 6 kV main power line switchboards, A and B e. The 7A, 7B, and 8B boards are also connected to the three essential power lines for the coolant pumps , each also having its own diesel generator. In case of a coolant circuit failure with simultaneous loss of external power, the essential power can be supplied by the spinning down turbogenerators for about 45 to 50 seconds, during which time the diesel generators should start up.
The generators were started automatically within 15 seconds at loss of off-site power. Electrical energy was generated by a pair of 2x MW hydrogen-cooled turbo generators per unit. These are located in the metres 1, ft -long machine hall, adjacent to the reactor building. The turbine and the generator rotors are mounted on the same shaft; the combined weight of the rotors is almost tonnes short tons and their speed is 3, revolutions per minute.
The turbo generator is 39 m ft long and its total weight is 1, t 1, short tons. The generator produces 20 kV 50 Hz AC power. The generator’s stator is cooled by water while its rotor is cooled by hydrogen. The hydrogen for the generators is manufactured on-site by electrolysis. The Chernobyl plant was equipped with both types of turbines; block 4 had the newer ones.
The newer turbines, however, turned out to be more sensitive to their operating parameters, and their bearings had frequent problems with vibrations. The construction of two partially completed reactors, No. Ukraine agreed to close the remaining units in exchange for EU assistance in modernizing the shelter over reactor No. SKALA monitored and recorded reactor conditions and control board inputs.
It was wired to accept analog signals and digital signals. This program took 5 to 10 minutes to run, and could not directly control the reactor. On 9 September , a partial core meltdown occurred in reactor No. Once the reactor came online, the uranium in the tank overheated and ruptured. The extent of the damage was comparatively minor, and no one was killed during the accident. However, due to the negligence of the operators, the accident was not noticed until several hours later, resulting in significant release of radiation in the form of fragments of uranium oxide and several other radioactive isotopes escaping with steam from the reactor via the ventilation stack.
But the accident was not made public until several years later despite cleanups taking place in and around the power station and Pripyat. The reactor was repaired and put back into operation after eight months. According to KGB documents, declassified in Ukraine on 26 April , [20] serious incidents occurred in the third and fourth reactors in According to the same documents, the central government in Moscow knew as early as that the powerplant was “one of the most dangerous nuclear powerplants in the USSR”.
On 26 April , the Chernobyl disaster occurred at reactor No. This caused large quantities of radioactive materials and airborne isotopes to disperse in the atmosphere and surrounding land.
The disaster is regarded as the worst accident in the history of nuclear power. As a result, Reactor No. Large areas of Europe were affected by the accident. The radioactive cloud spread as far away as Norway. On 11 October , a fire broke out in the turbine hall of reactor No. A faulty switch caused a surge of current to the generator, igniting insulating material on some electrical wiring.
The Petya cyberattack affected the radiation monitoring system and took down the power plant’s official website, which hosts information about the incident and the area. On 24 February Russian forces captured the plant. On 9 March there was a power cut at the plant itself. No radiation leaks were reported as of 9 March However, Ukrainian authorities reported that there was a risk of a radiation leak due to spent fuel coolant being unable to circulate properly.
On 31 March , Russian forces formally handed control of the plant back to its employees, and most occupying forces withdrew. Ukrainian National Guard personnel were moved to Belarus as prisoners of war.
Chernobyl operator Energoatom claimed that Russian troops had dug trenches in the most contaminated part of the Chernobyl exclusion zone , receiving “significant doses” of radiation. After the explosion at reactor No. As of [update] , the radiation exposure from that radionuclide has declined by half since the accident.
In October , reactor No. Discussions about the future of nuclear energy in Ukraine ultimately moved the government toward a decision to decommission reactor No. In November , following pressure from foreign governments, reactor No. In , the pump lifting river water into the cooling reservoir adjacent to the facility was powered down, with the thermal sink expected to slowly evaporate. Originally announced in June , a new steel containment structure named the New Safe Confinement was built to replace the aging and hastily built sarcophagus that protected reactor No.
In February , a square metres 6, sq ft portion of the roof and wall adjacent to the covered part of the turbine hall collapsed into the entombed area of the turbine hall. No variances in radiation levels as a result of the incident were detected. Novarka built a large arch-shaped structure out of steel, meters ft wide, meters ft high and meters ft long to cover the old crumbling concrete dome that was in use at the time.
The casing also meets the definition of a nuclear entombment device. A separate deal has been made with the American firm Holtec International to build a storage facility within the exclusion zone for nuclear waste produced by Chernobyl.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Decommissioned nuclear power plant in Ukraine. View of the plant in Main article: Chernobyl disaster. Main article: Battle of Chernobyl. Kyiv Post. Archived from the original on October 5, Archived from the original on 25 February Retrieved 24 February Archived from the original on Retrieved Los Angeles Times. Times Wire Services. Archived from the original on 27 June Retrieved 26 August The Soviet Union has canceled plans to construct two more reactors at the stricken Chernobyl nuclear power station The decision was announced six days before the third anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl World Nuclear Association.
June Archived from the original on June 26,
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