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These days, using text in video is becoming more and more popular , especially for video made for social media and streaming platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Traditional video tended to discourage the use of text, especially animated text, but using text has become more and more accepted as the means of video delivery and the expectations of audiences have changed. Creative use of text is weaving its way into the art and craft of making video.
VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum helps you take advantage of the creative potential of text with 25 brand new, modern text animation presets. These very cool new animated presets are ready-made for instant use. You can always tweak and customize them if you want, but these animations are really cool right away! As we said above , text is getting to be more and more commonplace in the modern age of video. Use text to enhance your visuals , to add a bit of information or narration, or to mark chapters in your story.
Avoid walls of words. The best text is the least text needed for the job. You also want to avoid crazy colors and wild animations. These might be right for a few kinds of videos, like extreme sports or wacky comedy, but for the most part, subtlety is more effective and more professional. Most of the time, a crisp, non-serif white font will do the job best.
Also, the modern trend with text animation is that less is more. They utilize plain white text, and their animation, though eye-catching, is subtle and professional. You can always change the presets if you want, but they start out subtle and crisp. Most of the new animations are optimized to look their best in the center of the screen. Some of them even depend on being placed in the center to work properly. That said, you always have the option of moving the text around on the screen.
The Grid overlay displays a grid over the video preview, allowing you to place multiple text events consistently in the same position. The Safe Areas overlay displays concentric boxes.
Keep your text within those boxes, and your text will never to be too close the edge of the screen , which makes it visually awkward and possibly harder to read. The first thing we need is some video for the text to go on top of. We could just place the text events over an empty track, but everything will look better and make more sense if you place the text over images instead of just a black screen.
A new video event appears. The Media Generators window opens with the Checkerboard generator presets visible. The Titles and Text tab opens with the Credit Roll presets visible.
An array of text preset thumbnails appears, starting with Default. The next presets are named, consecutively, Title01, Title02, Title03, and so on, to Title These are the new animation presets. Replace the default text with your own words. Play the timeline to watch the animation in action. You can adjust the length of the event on your timeline, but keep in mind that the event itself has a preset length, so stretching the event too long may cause the animation to loop.
In the drop-down menu, scroll down until you find the Title01 preset. Presets Title02 through Title25 appear below it. You can choose any animation you want, or you can choose each animation one-by-one to see which you prefer.
Choose another preset, then click on the left edge of the text event and play it through from the beginning. Choose different animations and see which one you like best. Some of the animations work best when you have multiple lines of text.
Some work better with different text arrangements , such as two or three words on one line and then one word on the next. Experiment with different animations and word arrangements — you may find exciting combinations that no one else has created before! Also, you can adjust the anchor point of the animation.
The animations are anchored to the center by default, but other anchor points may give you animations you like even better. Experiment with different choices. See how the animations play out with different anchor points — you may be surprised by the results. You can change the font. You can change the font color. Some animations automatically make the text smaller or larger, so you may find it beneficial to adjust the font size.
A larger font in an animation which makes the text larger could result in the text falling outside the safe areas or even off the edges of the screen. An animation making the text smaller may make the font harder to read. Highlight different letters or words and change the font, font size, or font alignment individually. Adjust the Line Spacing slider to move the lines of text further apart or closer together vertically. Be aware, adjusting spacing can affect the anchor point , which will in turn affect the animation.
With these new animation presets and the ability to customize or tweak them to perfection, the text possibilities in VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum are endless! Consider adding subtle sound effects like swooshes or typewriter clacks to go along with the animation. You truly are limited only by your imagination. Try it today and see for yourself! Using Text. Positioning Text. You can add shadows and outlines and adjust their widths and color. Buy now. Upgrade now. Information regarding the upgrade.
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