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Jaksta https free.Top 5 Slow Motion Video Player for Slow Motion


For various reasons, you may have the need to play video in slow motion. For instance, the specific scene in video is too fast and you need to slow it down to view it clearly. Or you are mesmerized with the certain scene and want to review it in slow motion over and over again. However, the standard media players usually don’t have this kind of function. You can’t play video in slow motion.

What should you do? When you want to watch video or certain scene in slow motion, slow motion video player can be your best option to do it. In fact, lots of slow motion video players on the internet can help you view video in slow motion. In case you don’t know which one should choose, here we sincerely recommend 5 great slow motion video players for you to choose from.

As the most commonly used media player, Windows Media Player has the capability to play videos in slow motion. It is equipped with a “Play speed settings” option for you to view video in different speed.

Just right-click on the video in this slow motion video player, select “Enhancement”, you can easily change the speed of video.

Besides play video in slow motion, you can also speed up a video. This free video player with slow motion comes along with Windows, so if you are a Windows user, you don’t need to install it. Sign Up here. Forgot Username or Password?

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You can also just drag and drop or cut and paste webpage urls containing videos directly from your browser and Jaksta Media Recorder will extact the video. Its as simple as that! The last version to support XP is available here. Your download will start automatically. Improved digital audio recording Fix for 30fps conversion settings Misc fixes and improvements Improvements to tagging and artwork lookups 7. The error is now display on the status window. NET 4. Extraction engine Misc fixes and improvements 7.

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Not on reboot or anything else. Fix object reference error when split at in schedule for direct download. Fix art download for videos 6. NET 3. Fixed saving of current view when exiting.


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