Sony movie studio platinum 12 compression free



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When you purchase through links on this site, we may earn an affiliate commission. You are a guest Sign Up? Login Now. Loading comment The comment will be refreshed after Your comment will be reviewed by a moderator before it is published on the site. Hi Derek, Hope all is well. I am using Vegas Pro 14 which is slightly different. For one thing. The settings include something called pixel format. Do i use 8 bit, 32 floating bit video levels or 32 full bit full range.

I suspect its 8 bit but I want to be sure. There is also something called motion blur type and resample mode. Would appreciate your thoughts on those. I notice that some of my render videos had a blue tint on the people which did not appear in the raw footage. Obviously I need to make some adjustments. The video was shot in on a Panasonic camcorder which records in an M2ts file.

Thanks, Charles Gross. Hi Charles Leave pixel format set to 8 bit for everyday video. The 32 bit settings are true professional settings for advanced video types that pro movie makers use. Most people set Resampling to disabled. To comment on your “blue tint”, please post a new message in the forum and then I can say more.

Vegas should not be adding in blue tints. Vegas actually displays the true raw colour of your video. It is most likely your Media Player that is shifting the colour – most media players add their own special filters to make the video artificially brighter and more colourful. There are some settings you can look at on your computer. Soft option to upload to youtube does not work. Secondly, when you render the project it only renders a portion this month. A month ago it did the entire project.

I wish I had the time to sue this company for my time, product not fit for its purposes violation. Hi George Instead of making a statement, ask a question next time and I can help you with your problems. YouTube keeps changing the code that operates their login function. This is why it does not work. Since the dawn of time on this website I have always advised everyone to never use this function in Movie Studio.

You DON’T need to use it anyway. This is how everyone of planet Earth uploads videos to YT. The reason why only a part of your video is rendering, is because YOU have accidentally turned on “render a loop region only”.

This setting is at the bottom of the Render As window. Turn it OFF and re-render your project. Dear Derek, Thank you for your time and for all of the information and support you give!!!!!!!! I have followed your instructions on your video “How to render p video for Movie Studio Platinum 12” and have made a short film.

I can’t seem to find information on the project’s aspect ratio in my Project Properties nor in the template. Kind regards, Courtney. There is a quick way to confirm this by using simple maths. To find out if a videos dimensions are using the aspect ratio, divide the width by height.

If it equals 1. Great tip on rendering. Changed my settings to my Catalyst graphic card and cut my rendering almost in half. What a time saver. Could you please report back as to what model card you have? If you go into the Catalyst Control Center, it should tell you the model number. Right-click Windows Desktop to access. Regards Derek :. All videos uploaded to YouTube are re-compressed dramatically by the YT servers, so the final file size ends up being much smaller.

This equals to much larger file sizes. If your video was a person sitting still and being interviewed in a chair, the same 8 minute video would be dramatically smaller in file size, because the pixels are barely changing between each frame. You could do some experiments and render with lower and lower bit rates, until the video quality starts to fall off.

However, the lower the quality, the less your YouTube video quality will look. It is never a good idea to be re-rendering video if possible. If you are using Movie Studio and also wanted to use Handbrake, you would have to do a double render. If you are using Vegas Pro, you can use Frame Serving and send the project directly to Handbrake for rendering. My advise is to not worry about the large file size, unless you have a slow Internet connection.

Regards Derek. Last Edit: 19 May by DoctorZen. Thanks Derek My 8min video is two people in a chair for an interview. No moving or fast action. It does have a 6 second intro with movement but that whole file was 12MB when I imported it into Movie Studiio So still don’t understand why I ended up with such a large rendered file. In the meantime I did reduce the file size in Handbrake and uploaded to Youtube.

Not sure if it reduced quality on Youtube. But now that I know Youtube reduces file size, the next videos I will upload without Handbrake. Thank you for your thorough and well explained answer. Double render means: 1. Render video with Movie Studio 2.

Render video from Movie Studio with Handbrake There is nothing wrong with rendering just twice, but you should try and avoid it when possible. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to file size, besides what I had already mentioned.

Just over 1 GB for 8 minutes is really not that bad at all. All the best. Not Allowed: to create new topic. Not Allowed: to reply. Not Allowed: to edit your message. Moderators: DoctorZen. Powered by Kunena Forum. Make a Donation Movie Studio Zen is a fully independent site and all our content is free.



Sony movie studio platinum 12 compression free. How to Render 1080p Video using Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12


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Forgot your username? Create an account. When you purchase through links on this site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Solved Compress video files. Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Compress video files was created by lisamirt Posted 18 May 1. What’s the available workaround to fix the H. Simply follow this article to find the reason the solution to solve your problem.

In fact, the highly-compressed H. Since the H. Therefore you first need to convert H. And this transcoding is the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem. The program is professional yet easy to use. By running it, there’s no need to set the codec yourself: the program has optimized presets for Sony Movie Studio. And you can convert any video to Movie Studio highly compatible videos without losing quality. Here is how t do it. With the H. The output video seamlessly fits Sony Movie Stuido 10, 11, 12, 13 and more.

Click “Convert” to start converting your video from H. Once the conversion completes, you can click “Open” button to get the output files effortlessly.


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I edit videos and the only thing I do is remove portions. Not Allowed: to edit your message. No moving or fast action. I am using Vegas Pro 14 which is slightly different. Small videos tend to be half in size but larger videos compress more, most much more. The export formats that usually turn out well for me are, in no particular order Are you sure you want to report this comment post user as questionable?


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